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학(學)-평생에 걸쳐 학습하라89

12. Mission of Jesus Christ (예수 그리스도의 선교 사역) https://youtu.be/pMJ_O_wFCt0 2022. 1. 26.
12. Mission of Jesus Christ (예수 그리스도의 선교 사역) Mission of Jesus Christ (Luke 4:14-21) -Context- Imagine for a moment that one of your neighbor and friend, Peter, is asked to speak at the Sunday worship service at your church. What is your response if he stands up, reads the scriptures regarding the second coming of Christ, and then says, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”? That is exactly what Jesus did in the synagogue in N.. 2022. 1. 24.
11. Growth of Jesus Christ (예수 그리스도의 성장) Growth of Jesus Christ (Luke 2:40-52) Good afternoon, brothers and sisters! Let me start today’s sermon by sharing a saying of W. B. Yeats, an Irish poet. “Happiness is just one thing. Growth. We are happy when we are growing.” Do you agree with his idea? Then “Do you have a plan for your personal growth?” This question was asked John Maxwell, a young man in twenties, by Curt Kampmeier, American.. 2022. 1. 17.
10. Historicity of Jesus Christ & Luke (예수 그리스도와 누가의 역사성) Historicity of Jesus Christ & Luke (Luke 1:1-4) Good afternoon, brothers and sisters! Are you familiar with this word, ‘antitheism’? It means ‘strong opposition to belief in God or gods’, whereas atheism is just ‘disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods’. There is no term of ‘antiatheism’, but those equipped with this antitheism have a militaristic attitude toward theism and wage a.. 2022. 1. 14.
9. The Messiah’s Worldwide Rule (메시야의 전 세계적인 통치) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmUVwcBx3os 2022. 1. 11.
9. The Messiah’s Worldwide Rule (메시야의 전 세계적인 통치) The Messiah’s Worldwide Rule (Matthew 2:1-12) A happy new year, brothers and sisters! Let me start today’s sermon by asking you 3 questions. First question is, “What is ‘Epiphany’”? It has 3 meanings, but only one meaning among the 3 is related to a capital letter E. It means “A Christian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi.. 2022. 1. 9.