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English Essays38

26. The Great Commission (대위임령) 26. The Great Commission(Matthew 28:16-20) -Introduction-Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! Let me begin today’s sermon by giving you a quiz. Add the following numbers out loud.   1,000401,000301,000201,00010 You are no exception. Many professors and speakers experimented with these numbers, but almost all the audience said out loud at the end, “5,000”. Is it really so? 4,090 + 10 = 5,000? No.. 2022. 5. 17.
25. Pilgrimage of Doubting Thomas (의심 많은 도마의 신앙 여정) Pilgrimage of Doubting Thomas(John 20:24-29) -From Didymus to Doubting Thomas-Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! Today I am going to talk about Apostle Thomas. Do you know what his nickname was? ‘Doubting Thomas’? No, it is not a biblical expression. His nickname was ‘Didymus’, meaning ‘the Twin’ (John 11:16, 20:24). I am wondering how Apostle Thomas now responds to his more modern nickname, .. 2022. 4. 24.
24. Victory through the Cross (십자가를 통한 승리) Victory through the Cross(Revelation 12:1-12) -Introduction-Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! I am wondering how often you read the book of Revelation. Do you read Revelation as often as the other books of the Bible? Probably you don’t. Have you ever thought of the reason for that? Refer to Carl Mosser, an American theologian, who once said, “Revelation is the most misunderstood, abused and .. 2022. 4. 23.
23. The Burial of Jesus Christ (예수 그리스도의 매장) (This sermon was shared in a long-awaited outing which the Brothers and Sisters in our ministry enjoyed after more than 2 years of COVID 19 crisis.) The Burial of Jesus Christ(Mark 15:42-47)  -Disbelievers in Miracles-Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! There is an old argument that Christianity is nothing more than a recycled religion, its best ideas and myths simply stolen and rehashed. Anci.. 2022. 4. 19.
22. Following in Jesus' Steps (예수님의 발자취 좇아 가기) Following in Jesus’ Steps(1 Peter 2:18-25) -Introduction- Good afternoos, Brothers and Sisters! Let me start today's sermon by quoting a dialogue in “Labyrinth” (1986), a musical fantasy film.  Sarah (featuring Jennifer Connelly): That’s not fair.Jareth (featuring David Bowie): You say that so often. I wonder what your basis for comparison is. In this topsy-turvy world, arguments regarding fairn.. 2022. 4. 11.
21. The Gethsemane of Jesus & the Disciples (예수님과 제자들의 겟세마네 동산) (Since this sermon is designed to introduce a brief gospel [10 minutes] to the newcomers to our worship service, its text is liberally sprinkled with quotations from the other sermons in this blog.) The Gethsemane of Jesus & the Disciples(Mark 14:32-42) -What is the Bible?-What is the Bible? The Bible is the God’s message to humankind. There are many evidences to the claim that it is a trustwort.. 2022. 4. 4.