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English Essays38

The Last Sermon: Fix Your Eyes on Jesus in Your Race (인생 경주에서 눈을 예수님께 고정시키자) -영어예배부 마지막 설교-Fix Your Eyes on Jesus in Your Race(Hebrews 12:1-3) -Introduction-Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! Some of you might have been surprised last week to hear that today would be my last day in GEM worship service. There is no long story to make short, but I have been a 'substitute' pastor for last nine months. Time is just up. It’s the time to move on to next fresh adventures and.. 2022. 8. 21.
37. Fight the Spiritual Warfare Together (영적 전쟁에서 함께 싸우자) Fight the Spiritual Warfare Together(Ephesians 6:10-20) -Introduction-Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! Have you come across this book: “The Screwtape Letters”, written by C. S. Lewis. It consists of letters of advice and warning from a senior demon Screwtape to his nephew Wormwood, a trainee tempter. Screwtape writes them just before and during the Second World War. Wormwood, fresh from the.. 2022. 8. 20.
36. Believers' Corporate Responsibility to Outsiders (불신자들에 대한 신자들의 공동 책임) Believers' Corporate Responsibility to Outsiders(Colossians 4:2-6) -Introduction-Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! Have you slept well? I hope that all of you have been refreshed by the comfort and empowerment of the Holy Spirit this afternoon. During the summer retreat I found myself in the midst of a caring community established by our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that this was the foretas.. 2022. 8. 15.
35. Living a Life Worthy of the Gospel (복음에 합당한 삶 영위하기) 35. Living a Life Worthy of the Gospel(Philippians 1:27-30) -Introduction-Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! Yesterday we had a special occasion. Sister Keke got married. 10 of us participated in the wedding ceremony against considerable odds as the representatives of GEM. Two Council members were infected with COVID-19 during last week. It was another opportunity, however, to show and confir.. 2022. 8. 6.
34. The Blessing of Generous Giving (후하게 헌금하는 복) The Blessing of Generous Giving(2 Corinthians 8:1-9) -Introduction-Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! Let me share a story with you first. There was a traveling wizard or magician. One day he found a gem in a creek. On the way, he met a hungry traveler, and he unpacked his bag and distributed food. But when the traveler saw the jewel, he rudely and boldly demanded it from him. The wizard didn.. 2022. 7. 7.
33. Faithfulness Leading to God’s Glory (하나님의 영광에 이르는 신실한 삶) Faithfulness Leading to God’s Glory(2 Thessalonians 1:3-12) -Introduction-Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! What is the etymological meaning of each of the following words?  Disaster=[1585–95; ‹ MF desastre ‹ It disastro, equiv. to dis- dis- + astro star ‹ L astrum ‹ Gk ástron]Responsibility=[1780–90; respons(ible) + -ibility] Disaster is the combination of ‘dis-’ [meaning reversal, negation.. 2022. 6. 29.