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학(學)-평생에 걸쳐 학습하라89

28. The Life of the Early Church (초대교회 생활) The Life of the Early Church (Acts 2:42-47) -Introduction- Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! What do you mean by ‘church’? In order to answer this question, let me ask another question. The term, ‘church’ (i.e. ekklesia), is mentioned 114 times in the New Testament, but how many times did Jesus Christ mention the term ‘church’? Only 2 times on the following occasions. (Matthew 16:18) "I also.. 2022. 5. 27.
27. The Ultimate Proof of Messianic Age (메시야 시대의 궁극적 증거) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5MOdBHKIgc 2022. 5. 23.
27. The Ultimate Proof of Messianic Age (메시야 시대의 궁극적 증거) The Ultimate Proof of Messianic Age (Acts 2:14-21) -Context- Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! Let me ask you one question regarding the appearance of Jesus Christ after His resurrection. Why did Jesus not present Himself in front of religious authorities after His resurrection? If I had been in His shoes, I would have materialized in the office of Pilate as well as the one of high priest or.. 2022. 5. 23.
26. The Great Commission (대위임령) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpzeE_sVU58 2022. 5. 17.
26. The Great Commission (대위임령) 26. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) -Introduction- Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters! Let me begin today’s sermon by giving you a quiz. Add the following numbers out loud. 1,000 40 1,000 30 1,000 20 1,000 10 You are no exception. Many professors and speakers experimented with these numbers, but almost all the audience said out loud at the end, “5,000”. Is it really so? 4,090 + 10 = 5,.. 2022. 5. 17.
25. Pilgrimage of Doubting Thomas (의심 많은 도마의 신앙 여정) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3C8MKrCBG0 2022. 4. 26.