전체 글291 6. The Unlikeliest Ambition (가장 야망 같지 않은 야망) The Unlikeliest Ambition(1Thessalonians 4:9-12) Good afternoon, brothers and sisters! Last week we discussed the first and foremost ambition we as Christians should have. It is to please God. We focused on the three crucial elements in relation to why to please God. ABC. Atonement of Christ. A Resurrection Body. Commendation from Christ. This afternoon we will pay attention to the factors in rel.. 2021. 12. 13. 선교와 인문학이 만나다 (선교소식지인 "선교대구"에 게재된 제 글 한 편을 소개합니다.) 선교와 인문학이 만나다 -들어가는 말- 선교 활동에 있어 인문학은 선택 사항이 아니다. 존 스토트가 지적한 성경의 “이중 저작”(double authorship) 상황만 돌아보아도 이 점이 명백해진다. 즉 성경은 우선 “여호와의 입의 말씀”(이사야 1:20)인 동시에 “하나님이 모든 선지자의 입을 통하여” 말씀하신 내용이다(사도행전 3:18, 21). 이런 성경에 접근하는 우리의 자세도 이중적(a double approach)이어야 한다. 유일신 하나님의 말씀이므로 경외하는 자세와 겸손한 태도로 대해야 하고, 지성을 활용하여 생각하면서 그 말씀의 인문학적 특성에 주목하면서 읽어야 한다. 이런 이중적 접근 방식은 불가능하지 않을 뿐 아니라 .. 2021. 12. 10. 5. The First and Foremost Ambition (최고의 야망) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WB8G3WiwUM 2021. 12. 10. 5. The First and Foremost Ambition (최고의 야망) The First and Foremost Ambition(2 Corinthians 5:1-10) -Meaning of ambition-Good afternoon, brothers and sisters! I am wondering if you have come across the term, “ambition” in the Bible. Many Christians think that it is a dirty word or a secular word we had better avoid. But ambition is just a neutral word whose connotation is dependent on its target. Take a look at the definition of ambition in.. 2021. 12. 7. 4. Longing for an Eternal Spring (영원한 봄에 대한 갈망) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_sXX2nCat8 2021. 11. 29. 4. Longing for an Eternal Spring (영원한 봄에 대한 갈망) Longing for an Eternal Spring (Luke 2:25-35) Good afternoon, brothers and sisters. Today’s message starts from my story. I was not able to experience the springtime for 21 years while I had been staying in Malaysia. Since it belongs to the tropical countries, Malaysia does not have anything as dramatic as the season called “spring” by temperate countries. Once in a while my family returned to Ko.. 2021. 11. 28. 3. Thanksgiving in a Thankless World (감사 없는 세상에서 감사하기) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQQCAn_3vJY 2021. 11. 23. 3. Thanksgiving in a Thankless World (감사 없는 세상에서 감사하기) Thanksgiving in a Thankless World(Lk. 17:11-19) Good afternoon, brothers and sisters! This is the Thanksgiving Sunday celebrated in Korea. Korean Thanksgiving Sunday or the third Sunday of November is said to have originated from American tradition of ‘Thanksgiving Day.’ When? It falls on the Fourth Thursday in November. Celebrating Thanksgiving Sunday, let me talk about the significance of than.. 2021. 11. 21. 2. Hope Inspiring Faith & Love (믿음과 사랑을 고무해 주는 소망) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53q8nG0b9xo 2021. 11. 15. 이전 1 ··· 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ··· 33 다음